EMT Roryce Dirden: Restraint, Race, and the Ambulance Ride Gone Wrong


Imagine this: you’re an EMT, caring for a patient having a seizure in a speeding ambulance. Suddenly, you’re surrounded by cops, accused of assault, and facing the bewildering reality of handcuffs instead of a stethoscope. That’s what happened to Roryce Dirden, an L.A. County EMT, in a case that ignited a storm of controversy and questions about race, restraint, and the sanctity of the ambulance.

A Chaotic Scene, Unclear Answers:

It all unfolded in August 2019. Dirden was treating a female patient experiencing seizures, allegedly the victim of a sexual assault, when she unstrapped herself from the gurney. Fearing she could injure herself, Dirden restrained her. Enter the LAPD, responding to a 911 call from the officer accompanying the ambulance. Dirden was arrested, the patient traumatized, and the public left scratching their heads.

Dueling Narratives, Murky Truth:

Dirden maintained he acted in the patient’s best interest, while the LAPD defended their intervention. Video footage, a blurry, fragmented puzzle piece, offered glimpses but no definitive answers. The case became a flashpoint, raising concerns about racial profiling, excessive force, and the unique challenges faced by emergency responders.

Legal Limbo, Lingering Questions:

Charges against Dirden were never filed, but the emotional and professional scars remained. He filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Los Angeles, alleging racial profiling and a violation of his civil rights. The suit was dismissed in 2023, with Dirden’s state claims remanded to California courts.

Beyond the Lawsuit, Lessons Learned:

The Dirden case transcends legalese. It’s a story about human judgment, the complexities of emergency care, and the ever-present specter of bias. It prompts us to ask:

  • When does restraint become excessive?
  • How do we ensure the safety of both patients and medical personnel?
  • Can implicit bias cloud our judgment in high-pressure situations?

The Takeaway: A Call for Empathy and Understanding:

The Dirden case leaves us with no easy answers, but a powerful call for empathy and understanding. As we navigate the often-chaotic world of emergency response, let’s remember:

  • Every individual deserves fair treatment, regardless of their profession or the circumstances.
  • Open communication and clear protocols can help prevent misunderstandings and tragedies.
  • Taking a moment to step back and assess the situation, free from prejudice, can lead to better outcomes for all.

Roryce Dirden’s story may be one man’s experience, but it resonates with broader societal issues. By acknowledging the complexities, fostering open dialogue, and striving for fairness, we can create a safer, more just environment for everyone, both inside and outside the ambulance.


What happened to the patient in the ambulance?

Her identity and current status remain confidential.

Is Dirden still working as an EMT?

His current employment status is not publicly available.

What are the state claims in the lawsuit?

They revolve around alleged false arrest, excessive force, and emotional distress.

How can I learn more about the case?

Several news articles and legal documents offer further details.

What can I do to prevent similar incidents?

Supporting fair treatment training for law enforcement and medical personnel can make a difference.

What are some resources for EMTs facing similar situations?

The National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) offers guidance and support.

Let’s keep the conversation going, remember the human element in every emergency, and work towards a future where compassion and understanding guide our actions, even in the most challenging situations.



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